30 martie 2006

blahbitty blahbitty blah :)

aseara am mers la opera - fantasic!!!!! mozart's figaro în limba româna - soooooooo exciting since we didn't expect it - foarte frumoasa!!!!!!!! the printed program was from ianuarie 1995 and neither one of us noticed it until later - we were reading the synopsis in ro and looking at the pictures of the performers and noticed that none of them looked familiar - hehe

maine seara noi vom merge la opera din nou si vom merge cafenea dupa - probibil insomnia - my favorite place - last time that we went i was worried that when they moved that i wouldn't like it cause i heard differing things about it but i have to say it's great! our favorite chelner hooked us up and we were in the beanbag room last time - foarte hysterical - everyone was laying on the floor on their beanbags drinking and smoking - hahahahah - plus we got to practice speaking in ro with some peeps reclining near us. even more hysterical was zoloft (not really his name but nu m-am adus aminte) he told me that i remind him of patty smith when she was young....damn i thought hmmmm i wish i was that skinny

bineinteles azi am fost obosita :( dar inca azi a fost bun! that's right still a good day even with being tired. got a lot accomplished. sorted out my finances here to get a real hold on where i'm at with this...doing well i believe and won't have the expense of scola after june so........

maybe i'll move in november. chris will leave then and her place is much much cheaper and beautiful. perfect size for me too. 6th floor walk-up but so what else is new - i'm always living high up - her hoody is very nice too. the place i'm in just costs too much to heat - the rest is AOK but the utilities well they're killer. it would be a few thousand a year savings - plus the no more paying for school will be a few thousand a year savings too woooohoooo cause well since i live here i expect to make the equivlent salary here which doesn't compare to state $$ dar nu contează........

28 martie 2006

i'm legal :)

azi a fost foarte bine! bun!!!!! bun!!!!! bun!!!!! incredibil!!!!!! vreme a fost buna - aproape 17 c - a presupus sa plouă dar nu ploaie :) doar soarele.....apoi am primit permis de sedere si cel mai mult parte este valabil pâna la 2011 - that's right 2011 doua mie si unsprezece. deci sunt foarte fericita azi :) in plus am cumparat niste lururile pentru arta. WOW

engleza - today was excellent, incredibile! weather was very good, almost 17c - it was supposed to rain but no rain :) only sun - then i recieved my residence permit and the best part is that it's valid until 2011 - that's right - 2011 - so i'm very happy today, plus i bought some stuff for art. wow!

really it's as if now there's nothing that can hold me back....i'm official and it feels damn good. travel plans made today too for belgrade and timisoara :) can't wait...had to postpone previously since i didn't have actele ....ah relief!!!

what else - of course went to class this morning but oooopppppssss! when i woke up this morning i was puzzled cause the clocks changed actually yesterday, i was puzzled yesterday too but just thought one of my clocks stopped and the other automatically changed and well i didn't put 2+2 together so i didn't have all the time that i thought i had :) so yep i was late for scoala cause well i had to drink some java b4 i went. so after getting the ID, went for some cafea to celebrate and then art supplies - have been painting and experimenting. actually bought acrylic paint which i don't like but it's ok since i need to work with this material right now and figure it out. plus working on figuring out some ways to make the stencils for some of the designs for t's.

yesterday was studying and working like a dawg on mastering some software that isn't as sophisticated as some of the other programs i'm used to but still excellent. spent a good 2 hours studying and at least 8 hours on the software/art stuff yesterday. woooooohooooo!!!!

24 martie 2006

a little thing about ro ...to be expanded on alt timpul

one of the observations that i have made here or i guess just my thoughts about this... the circus has come to cluj. they are setting up the stage/tents for the spectacol extraordinare! i think that because ro was all wrapped up in communism and still after that because of the economic status of many people and the law limiting travel out of the country that the romanians have been able to be self sufficient in their leisure time. enjoying and developing the talents of their people. this is seen in the quality of their talent in theatre productions and such.

of course people watch television too. leisure time is spent with friends in cafes, movies, opera, plays, art...festivals. there is so much going on. people travel throughout their own country and enjoy it's splendors. of course people do this in the US too. but it's so vast and different. imagine if your in the states that you would explore every splendid aspect of your wn state and get to know it so very well.

romania has geography on it's side....they have mountains, countryside, cities, beach, hot springs, caves and gardens. plus it borders 5 other countries if you want to travel out of the country.

hmmmm these thoughts were interupted by my desire to eat a banana and call my mom and my friend judy in statele unite....so i'm back and well don't know really what else to say but i must go to sleep and nurse myself back to health since m-am racit :(

21 martie 2006


buna dimineata soarele este luminos/lumina - deoarece sunt 1/2 somn...nu pot sa ma gandesc despre greseala. wow soarele nu face prin fereastra în dormitorul direct dar prin fereastre.....

nu timp trebuie s-ma imbraca si merg la scoala.........

20 martie 2006

liquid skin

so i confess i'm sick today and yesterday with a terrible grotesque respritory infection - but i've got some reliable things with me so i'm on my way to recovery....echineaca, zinc, vitamins c and assorted vits - plus awesome fresh honey, fresh grapefruit and the good old ancient reliable neti pot a/k/a the snotty potty. ewwwww - i know. but the damn thing works. a little sare si apa and ur ready to go. so i'm feeling better already but just bad enough not to do any real work - besides it's after 8 30 and it's been a long day - scoala in dimineata - wears me out then shopping with a friend and lunch and then nap-time. actually scoala really really wore me out today - of course now i'm tired but don't feel like watching the idiot tube, so i amuse myself by visiting a link that was shared by a friend on myspace....


how to get ur goth name. ok so maybe i do have too much time on my hands but little energy. ahhh what the hell. i'm so bored that i actually put in a few friends names to see what comes up - well apparently 3 of my friends share the same name....trauma. interesting since 1 is in fact dramatic, 1 thrives on trauma and the other well just has trauma all around but tries to ignore it....hmmmm. too mucho time on my hands.

oh yeah and it's getting really nice here now - warmth in the air - i can feel the difference - think it was around 9 or 10 c today - looks like the week will be getting warmer and warmer. love that it doesn't get dark out now until around 7pm - official time of dusk 18:57.

19 martie 2006

latvian folklore/mythology


passage from the aforementioned linky linkster

"The mythological system of dievturiba includes several trinities - the trinity of deities (Dievs - Mara - Laima, three deities of fate), the three-partiality of a human being (consisting of flesh, soul and 'velis' - astral body). Taking into account that "3" is considered to be a magic number in not only Latvian tradition, the triads of Hegel were already known by that time, it seems likely that these trinities are substantial constructions, as most of them (if not all of them) cannot be proved by the material.
The main concept of the system is the idea of a single god, refusing any rights of the heavenly bodies mentioned in the folklore texts. God is the origin of the world, inexplicable and cannot be described adequately. He is present in the world itself; everything tangible, visible or audible is a manifestation of God."

ancient stuff good to think about for the works - led here by my thoughts on some concepts for paintings - who is the EU and who is RO? the're not latvian but țmi place sa citesc mult - plus trebuie s-am gandit despre asta si symbols si myths heeehawwww :) cred ca stiu cine - dar sunt bolnava seara si tot azi - deci doar atat

18 martie 2006

mult 'nonsense'

un alt zi a fost foarte ocupata. m-am intalnit cu livius si noi am spus despre artă - este foarte bine. am invațat despre materilele?? sp? care folosesc sa createz pictoră. bienteles stiu cum spun acest în engleza. el a fost foarte draguți si el mi-a scris (damn pronume? nu stiu exact) o poveste sau narativ cu cuvânțile noua. ok - trebuie sa spun ca sunt obosita si probabil multe gresele în blog asta seara :( apoi am mers la bridge si am avut o lecție conversație cu andrada. muncitor au lucreaza acolo si a fost zgomotos. dar înca a fost bun. am continuat sa îmbunațat...haha probabil nu poți sa vezi asta aici :) ....apoi am cumparat si am mers sala de sport....apoi ne am dus la 'symphony' - seara au performat ???? este un verb (performat) ? beethoven si rachmanioff - spectacol a fost foarte frumos - bun bun bun! apoi pizza si vin. woooo sunt epuizata - maine voi ma dormi tarziu - sper.

16 martie 2006

nimic chiar aşa! :P

deci viața aici este buna. ce pot sa spun? sunt 'hooked' pe KRS si o mix de KRS si alt. este fantastic! asculta de ei daca poți :) cred ca nu prea mult sa scriu azi dar sunt sa practic :) deci puțin lucruri asta ce eu voi scrie. prima odata fiecare zi nu pot ma ajute - trebuie sa beau cafea mare. incerc sa scăd zahar - zahar este tocmai un lucru sunt dedat unui viciu. deci miere este ajutor.

lucrez pe carte pentru copiii, si creat o design pentru t. de fapt sunt fericita despre asta deoarece este sa veni impreuna tot. Într-un fel timpul aici se întampla rapid. cred aici zilei sunt plin cu lucru si învăţătură. dominica voi merge la 'dallas' o roma obste. asta este un loc unde voi lucra cu copiii sa creat un mural. copiii si parinții nu vorbesc engleza :) deci experiența asta voi ajute mine mai mult.

desi ma duc la universitatea pe marți si joi - nu este demult. din nou o sa merg 'the bridge' unde o sa iau curuli pentru conversație pe luni, miercuri si veneri. dar mai puțin ore acum - 2.5 - fiecare zi. cred ca voi spune cu livius în româneste când posibile. dar probabil în engleza mult doar nu vreau sa 'torture' el. trebuie sa mănânc - mi-e foame foarte multe .....

14 martie 2006

theosophy and love

The Dalai Lama's views on love as the foundation of human existence contain food for thought. (Sunday Times of India, June 16):

The reason why love and compassion bring the greatest happiness is simply because our nature cherishes them above all else. They result from the profound interdependence we all share with one another. However capable and skilful an individual may be, left alone, he or she will not survive. However vigorous and independent one may feel during the most prosperous periods of life, when one is sick or very young or very old, one must depend on the support of others.

Interdependence, of course, is a fundamental law of nature. Not only higher forms of life but also many of the smallest insects are social beings which, without any religion, law or education, survive by mutual co-operation based on an innate recognition of their interconnectedness. The most subtle level of material phenomena is also governed by interdependence....

We have to consider what we human beings really are....Since we are not solely material creatures, it is a mistake to place all our hopes for happiness on external development alone. Instead, we should consider our origins and nature to discover what we require....From the least to the most important event, the affection and respect of others is vital for our happiness.

I recall meeting scientists in America who said that the rate of mental illness in their country was quite high—around 12 percent of the population. It became clear during our discussion that the main cause of depression was not lack of material necessities but deprivation of the affection of others.

I believe that no one is born free from the need for love. And this demonstrates that—although some modern schools of thought seek to do so—human beings cannot be defined as solely physical. No material object, however beautiful or valuable, can make us feel loved, because our deeper identity and true character lie in the subjective nature of the mind.

passage taken from a site about theosophy - check out the link - este bun!


and still more about love -
a quote from a text not related to theosophy but about love

"You may be trying to find or create perfect love in your life. Pure, clear, true love exists at the soul level, between souls. Even the most understanding person will not always be able to love you the way your personality wants to be loved. Some may come close, yet there will always be places where you do not feel completely loved, understood, or appreciated. With this knowledge, you can be more understanding and forgiving of others, knowing that there is no way they could ever completely satisfy you." from soul love - sanaya roman

slippy jenkins

când am citit niste articol pe blogi (nu stiu cum faci blog plural?) m-am gasit 'liquid generation: suck my blog' unde skippy jenkins a primit o scirsoara din cineva si el nu a stiut ce limba.... am fost în actuali am gastit pentru 'sponge bob' link...pentru ca a fost duminica si nu am vrut sa fac nimic...nada a f'ng lucruri...deci am scris un mesaj -

well here it is almost 2 years later since u rec'd a post and asked what language it is.... i only have found ur blog today through another site.... so u probably already know this but the entry feb 25th 2004 - it's romanian

slippy repunsa
thanks! can you translate it?

deci aici este.....

Dear, Slippy Jenkins

O lume in care dinozaurii vorbesc pe Net este hmmm, o lume interesanta.Nici eu nu am mai scris la nimeni... important in plan existential pana acum. Dar tu, ooooo Slippy Jenkins, tu trebuie sa fii precum petala de cires purtata pe aripile vantului in miez de primavara.

Ce aiureli sa scrii. Mai bine-i sa vezi sani, fie ei si virtuali. Problema (de fiecare data trebuie sa fie o problema) cu sanii, ca apartin de o tipa sau de alta. Nu toti sanii sunt la fel. Sanul stang este diferit de cel drept. Un san este real, alt san nu este real. Un san este defensiv, alt san este ofensiv. Un san este impaciuitor alt san este obraznic, nabadaios. Un san este pentru tine, alt san este pentru patrie. Pentru victoria... o iau razna!

Un san la o tipa, un san la alta tipa. De ce nu sunt 2 sani care sa-ti placa la aceeasi tipa? De ce? De ce? Intrebarea este meditativa.

A world in which the dinousaurs speak on the net is, hmmmm, an interesting world.I have not written to anyone...important in the existential plan until now. But you, oh Slippy Jenkens, you must be as the petals on a sweet cherry tree falling on april winds in the heart of spring.

What ravings you write. Better for you to see breasts that are virtual. The problem (of each time, this must be a problem) with the breasts that belong to one type or other. Not all breasts are the same.

The left breast is different then the right. One breast is real the other is not real. One breast is defensive the other is offensive. One breast is placating the other is impudent and quick tempered. One is for you and the other is for the mother country. For victory...I go astray.

One breast of a type, one breast of another type. Which of the 2 breasts would you abandon? Why? Why? The question is medatative.

12 martie 2006

ce sus :) în hood-ul

ieri a fost o zi ocupat! prima o data am mers cu chris la piața sa cumpar fructe, legume si bineinteles salam. cred ca sunt 'addicted' salam. În special îmi place salam rustica - este foarte bun!!!! amic meu kevin stie asta si a spus 'adams no wonder u don't have a boyfriend - u probably smell from all the salami u eat!' desighur nu este intr-adevar :) dar am apreciat umor lui. pentru ca am stit el pentru mulți ani, stiu ca el este o tipa cu scaun la cap (gotta check out that phrase cu profesoara?) deci nu pot sa primesc demult!

În piata noi am cumparat capsune - yum yum yummy - si ingredienții pentru pierogies. apoi m-am adus chris la lactate heaven. vreme a fost buna ieri si noi am stat în piata mihai viateual (sp?) unde noi am relaxat pana la n-am dus la magazine pentru bluje si 'belly jewelry.' am mers tatuji si piercing magazine si lee cooper jeans. am cumparat bluje nou si o jachete pentru primavara. trebuit sa cumpar bluj deoarece alte bluje au fost istovit. este weekend ocupata si săptmână viitoare este nebuna si!

chris si eu pe luni vom avea 'zi de fete.' ne ducem la sala sport, apoi vom lua cu chirie un film si vom ne pregați pierogies. mai tarziu vom gati să mănancam si ne uitam filmul.

dupa de aseara.... am mers petrecere si m-am intalnit alți oameni din statele unite, românia si serbia. dupa petreceri (pl?) noi am mers clubul sa dansăm si ne-am intalnit alt om din serbia. am baut vodka si tonic iar dansez dar a fost foarte aglomorat. alina cine este din NY, am invațat ca ea a studiat cu angela. angela a fost profesoara limba româna mea în NY si alina stie sebastian din germania. sebastian studieaza limba romăna cu mine de la facultate de literare.

dupa clubul la ora 3 dimineața m-am plimbat acasa. sfersit m-am dormit pâna la aprope 11. acum scriu si studiez. trebuie sa iau un nap si relax.

11 martie 2006

ramblings in ro

buna dimineata :) deci cred ca scriu pentru nimeni dar pe mine. trebuie sa practic romaneste. uneori este dificil si uneori este usor. acum mi-e somn. poate în 20 minute aminte mea va se trezeste...beu cafea si mănânc niste sesame sticks. am baut prea mult vin aseara dupa noi am mers casa de cultura studentilor sa vedem vecinilor de chris canta de viola. muzicii a fost foarte frumos. programul a fost 3 compozitori rusesc. prima o data a fost o compoziție celebru. apoi nu stiu - apoi cred ca am auzit asta înainte dar nu stiu cine. dupa noi am mers roland garros si am mancat si am baut. gui din roma am venit cu noi. a fost al lui zi ultim în cluj. el va muta la brussels de la luni ultim. fumez foarte puternic țigara acum resturi de aseara - am vorbit cu chelner si am intrebat pentru 'lights' dar a fost zgomotos si s-adus camel 'regulars.' mă (sau eu- nu stiu) îmbunătăţesc îndemânare ascultând. deoarece când ea a vorbi, am inteles tot. ea a fost, cred, suprinsa. a fost bun pentru mine. noi am dat ea prea mult de un bacşiş. dar e-n regula. acum mă duc la piața pentru legume si fructa. cred ca cafeăua este 'kicking in.' seara chris si eu vom o petrecere mic aproape acasă. deci mă gandesc voi vorbi in romaneste - woooohoooo. deci atat!

01 martie 2006

noapte buna :)

acum eu stau jos pe canape in timp ce scriu - am fost inspirat sa scriu deoarece - am cautat de la stânga si am vazut umbre pe peretele. uneori lampa de la strada (nu stiu 'preps') deranjeaza mine dar în moment asta - acolo este doar frumusețse - ninje se varsă. deci cu acest eu spui noape buna!