30 ianuarie 2006

more old stuff from the 90's

just a few more old works from the early 90's

unloaded and ready....

last night was warm compared to recently - when i went out after working like a madwoman for the last days. even caine periculos (rossy) was out. he's such a sweet little dog and he's always so happy to see me. who can resist dog love? although he is still smelly and loves to rub his head all over me :P

it was great to be home and get this work done. all of the boxes are unpacked and broken down. almost everything is in it's new place. still have to move my bed need some help with that and still have to have some art framed and hung but i'm not in a hurry for that since i'm not sure of what i'm going to hang - probably not much. only 5 pieces were shipped with their frames. other textiles and ceramic plaques are up. ahhh really feels like home. even poopsie is here - she's my little stuffed dog from childhood - so cute.

i have at least five hundred drawings to photograph. will select probably 50-60 for the website -


although both names will be registered not sure which one to direct to?

that won't be up for at least a month or 2 - didn't realize i produced so much work since 1990. well i know that's 16 years but i've thrown out tons of stuff and still am left with well more then i expected.

two current projects -

dogs of romania - and yes we are entering the year of the dog! didn't plan that just an interesting observation.

zodiac - theme of an art competition here in romania - there are many types of zodiac - western, vedic and chinese - plus apparently there are angels assigned to each sign of the zodiac - symbols are endless. entry is due on the 5th of april so i'm glad my supplies have arrived.

28 ianuarie 2006

some older paintings

this is chelsea broken into forms - oil on canvas

this is a dream i once had a long time ago - oil on masonite

a pastel drawing - the dark night

this is luy the kitty

27 ianuarie 2006

had a dream once about this kitty

had this dream and there was a 4 earred kitty - sounds unreal but it's true the next day i rec'd an email from someone - a kitty was born in england with 4 ears

arta refugatei - art of the refugee

that's the name it's a done deal - Arta Refugatei SRL - so going through the process - the man at the camera de comerți listed me as a romanian citizen - he had to change it - DAMN - thought maybe well that i wouldn't have to go through all the papers for residency - just for a second. but it's all good in the neighborhood aici in cluj....so i'm almost official - a few more dets then i'm done. foarte bine that he listed a ton of different secondary things my biz could produce - so excited!!!!!!!

some more peeps from my head....

tazmania - she was a rock n' roll kitty

caine chelsea - miss the little cutie putootie

got my boxes so starting to post some of my work :)

20 ianuarie 2006

this is an audio post - click to play

incep o firma in romania

this week was the beginning of the process to start my firm in romania. well of course it's idea is to create art for publication and t's. the added benefit is that i don't have to renew my residence permis fiecare anul. plus of course i will make some bani (money) and get my art out into the world.

so coloring books with english and romanian - caracter t's to wear - art to be shown/purchased i hope from the gallery. it's a process and there is bureacracy here just like the states. so first the scope of the business - that's easy and completing my CV then the tough part......choosing a name

ideas thusfar top choices - welcoming any suggestions

zero point (principle of quantum physics where everything is created and destroyed and recreated something like that but the idea is the point of creation)

amy ro (well that's simple me in ro)

refugiat (refugee in ro - kevin's suggestion - thanks kev)

scarab (a/k/a dung beetle - a symbol of ra)

reraro (just made that up and kind of like it)

okey dokey no that's not a name that's my blabbering.....

vis - a visa - a dream - to dream

an exercise from scoala ----had a page with a bunch of pix and had to make up a dream...

ieri seara visam ca eram in castel. era l-internic si era plin cu păienjeni. deci mergeam la fereastră si coboram afară. hotâram se m-a plimb. eu am auzit o pasare dar priveam sus si vedeam un avion. apoi ocholari mei s-au rupt. vedeam un cal. deci hotâram să călătoresc deoarece picioarele ma dureau. noi mergeam pe stradă tot inainte până la intalneam bunica-mea. Ea era fericita să ma vadă pe mine. Ea imi dadea o scrisoare. în plic era o scrisoare si bani. eu dadeam bunicii flori apoi spuneam la revedere.

i had a dream i was in a castle. it was dark and it was filled with spiders. so i went to the window and climbed out. i decided to walk. i heard a bird and looked up and saw an airplane. then my glasses broke. i saw a horse and so decided to ride him because my feet hurt. we went straight away until we met my grandmother. she was happy to see me. she gave me a letter. in the envelope was a letter and money. i gave her flowers then we said goodbye.

atat! vis meu.....

12 ianuarie 2006

rossy revisited

well here he is - hate working from photos but it's too damn cold for either one of us to sit outside and him model and me draw. so 2 quickie sketches - thing is i think i know his essence so that makes up for the lack of him posing for me in the sunshine on an early morning

11 ianuarie 2006

artists statement and my desire to live in romania

paid my fees a few weeks ago to CEC that's the romanian gov't bank and to la posta....trying to figure out some stuff about being 'legal' here. i seem to fall into the 'other purposes' category. the reason is that i'm an 'artist' and well this seems to be a general lack of understanding of exactly what that means. well i don't have some profound reason as to why i want to do this kind of work. in fact some times i don't even know why i'm compelled to do it. i was born with this desire. i actually hate talking about 'art' since i don't have some deep underlying statement like

'well i think that society needs to look at how deeply they're affected by the nuances and impact of the governments imposition into our lives. in space we are lost - we're just a bunch of particles floating in this universe. my work looks at life and abstracts forms that are well.....you know blah blah blah
bullshit :) .......evil laugh insert here HA HA HAHAHAH

instead it's something like 'well i think i just have to do it because - who gives a fuck.' that's my statement.

too much gets lost in trying to intellectualize it (see i'm not even sure if i can spell anymore - so why do i want to pretend)

the truth is i love it here and i can't afford to live in NY that's my second choice anyway. so that's my statement - hope they let me stay here.

07 ianuarie 2006

rossy (pronounced ross-ee)

the most amazing thing happened today...well maybe not amazing to some but me amazing! rossy (pronounced ross-e) the dawg who lives under my house was out today - it's been cool out but warmer then usual for cluj at this time of the year and well he loves people and loves to be out in the warm sun. sooooo i went downstairs to travel to the local market and get a few things and he was out wagging his stub of a tail so i should say wagging or shaking his butt and nestled his head between my legs as doggies love to do and i was rubbing his little head and speaking dawg to him...u know that language where ur voice gets higher and u coo words of love...some people do this with babies...me well with dawgs. u should know that he speaks hungarian and i don't know any of that and i think he might know some romanian - probably as much as i do and he's learning english now too. well he's a dirty dog so of course his dusty body rubbed all over my dark as night with no lights pants (didn't mind one bit) and well stunk up my hands cause well he smells like a dog and he can't have a bath until the weather warms....so my pants and hands will smell cause that's not gonna stop me from loving the dawg.

well his smell that's not the amazing part. came back from the store had a little more dawg love then went up to my balcony - he was looking up at me all sweet and cute 'ahhh come on back out will ya' his face said but i was starving and ate some bfast. so rossy decides to get up on a large flower pot beneath my balcony and starts to howl like the dawg he is - many howls repeatedly.... this my friends was the music of dawgs the beautiful depth of his voice echoing in the yard. only wish i had a recording to share with u right now but i don't so instead i got out my camera and from my window near my balcony took a couple of snaps....well he was unaware that he was my model and i cherished the moments that i was priveliged to hear his dawg song. here he is in one of these moments....

06 ianuarie 2006


they're self-sufficient in a lot of ways and quite smart - street savvy is what i've seen here. they do rely on people when they can. i worry sometimes when i see them crossing busy streets but they seem to understand traffic a lot here and walk on the sidewalks and often they seem to watch other people for cues when to cross. i'm lucky to have a dog that lives here at the house. loyal protecter and quite a lover. i think he will be my next focus. but i'm not sure yet. it's raining today so he won't come out unless later i catch him when it clears up. the dawgs r i think angels.

05 ianuarie 2006

the other side of dawg

branza... cheese wonderful cheese

well fewer things in life are better then cheese - that's right cheese makes the world go round - at least my world. sweet cheese, bitter cheese, tart cheese, sharp cheese, mild cheese, crumbly cheese, soft cheese, hard cheese and so much more. so of course raw excitement and heartfelt emotion all spurred by glorious cheese. the dairy council might want to send some $$$ my way :) i'm certain that u can get quite a few different cheeses here ....even hard to find cheeses but why search when there is a bounty of fresh delicious cheeses here. maybe there were just too many choices in the states and well not enough local producers. here u have local producers so there is a quality of freshness that isn't necessarily found in the larger stores in the states.

each day here is a day of discovery for me and last evening i ventured to a store that sells only cheese, milk and ice-cream. well i think i'll have to temper my desire for the glorious food called cheese because it's sooooo delicious. last night's dinner menu was modified to well experience this new cheese. of course the experience of it cold called for an accompaniment of an apple - a proper pare would have been a good thing too but the apple won. after the appetizer of apple/cool cheese was the cheese warmed and melted in pasta. it's form was decidely different and i was surprised at the textural change once it was warmed - a little salty but not too salty - so only pepper was the added condiment.

this cheese produced in cluj is brânză burduf II - brânză frământată - well it's just yummy. considered to last longer in the fridge then some others - but it's so good it won't last in the fridge - not in this house anyway.

03 ianuarie 2006

the dawg

the dawg is inspired by well a dog that i met here in the mountains...a young dog whose eyes glittered and asked any of us there to love him and well feed him. he kept us company as we ventured toward the trap iron door to descend into the wind cave.