blahbitty blahbitty blah :)
maine seara noi vom merge la opera din nou si vom merge cafenea dupa - probibil insomnia - my favorite place - last time that we went i was worried that when they moved that i wouldn't like it cause i heard differing things about it but i have to say it's great! our favorite chelner hooked us up and we were in the beanbag room last time - foarte hysterical - everyone was laying on the floor on their beanbags drinking and smoking - hahahahah - plus we got to practice speaking in ro with some peeps reclining near us. even more hysterical was zoloft (not really his name but nu m-am adus aminte) he told me that i remind him of patty smith when she was young....damn i thought hmmmm i wish i was that skinny
bineinteles azi am fost obosita :( dar inca azi a fost bun! that's right still a good day even with being tired. got a lot accomplished. sorted out my finances here to get a real hold on where i'm at with this...doing well i believe and won't have the expense of scola after june so........
maybe i'll move in november. chris will leave then and her place is much much cheaper and beautiful. perfect size for me too. 6th floor walk-up but so what else is new - i'm always living high up - her hoody is very nice too. the place i'm in just costs too much to heat - the rest is AOK but the utilities well they're killer. it would be a few thousand a year savings - plus the no more paying for school will be a few thousand a year savings too woooohoooo cause well since i live here i expect to make the equivlent salary here which doesn't compare to state $$ dar nu contează........