20 ianuarie 2006

incep o firma in romania

this week was the beginning of the process to start my firm in romania. well of course it's idea is to create art for publication and t's. the added benefit is that i don't have to renew my residence permis fiecare anul. plus of course i will make some bani (money) and get my art out into the world.

so coloring books with english and romanian - caracter t's to wear - art to be shown/purchased i hope from the gallery. it's a process and there is bureacracy here just like the states. so first the scope of the business - that's easy and completing my CV then the tough part......choosing a name

ideas thusfar top choices - welcoming any suggestions

zero point (principle of quantum physics where everything is created and destroyed and recreated something like that but the idea is the point of creation)

amy ro (well that's simple me in ro)

refugiat (refugee in ro - kevin's suggestion - thanks kev)

scarab (a/k/a dung beetle - a symbol of ra)

reraro (just made that up and kind of like it)

okey dokey no that's not a name that's my blabbering.....