the most amazing thing happened today...well maybe not amazing to some but me amazing! rossy (pronounced ross-e) the dawg who lives under my house was out today - it's been cool out but warmer then usual for cluj at this time of the year and well he loves people and loves to be out in the warm sun. sooooo i went downstairs to travel to the local market and get a few things and he was out wagging his stub of a tail so i should say wagging or shaking his butt and nestled his head between my legs as doggies love to do and i was rubbing his little head and speaking dawg to him...u know that language where ur voice gets higher and u coo words of love...some people do this with babies...me well with dawgs. u should know that he speaks hungarian and i don't know any of that and i think he might know some romanian - probably as much as i do and he's learning english now too. well he's a dirty dog so of course his dusty body rubbed all over my dark as night with no lights pants (didn't mind one bit) and well stunk up my hands cause well he smells like a dog and he can't have a bath until the weather warms....so my pants and hands will smell cause that's not gonna stop me from loving the dawg.

well his smell that's not the amazing part. came back from the store had a little more dawg love then went up to my balcony - he was looking up at me all sweet and cute 'ahhh come on back out will ya' his face said but i was starving and ate some bfast. so rossy decides to get up on a large flower pot beneath my balcony and starts to howl like the dawg he is - many howls repeatedly.... this my friends was the music of dawgs the beautiful depth of his voice echoing in the yard. only wish i had a recording to share with u right now but i don't so instead i got out my camera and from my window near my balcony took a couple of snaps....well he was unaware that he was my model and i cherished the moments that i was priveliged to hear his dawg song. here he is in one of these moments....
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