30 decembrie 2005

breaking the dawg

29 decembrie 2005

boxes in belgium a story by bob jones

so i wanted to think of a clever title for this entry so i made up an author bob jones. he is fictious and he doesn't give a damn about my boxes. still waiting for my shipment. it's in belgium and well not here :( wahhhh big crys - not really. this isn't a story of boxes that are in belgium because boxes aren't that exciting just because they travelled on a ship across the ocean. they don't have anything interesting to say. only the interest is in the inside of the boxes which i don't have...did i cry enough? wahhhhhh this is about the end of the old year and the beginning of the new one...happy for each day. thinking about how fortunate i am even without my boxes cause well it would suck ultimately not to have that stuff but do i really need it?

so many great things to celebrate. even the shitty stuff cause well that makes us who we are. dark light blah blah blah blah blah blah blah...

yep thankful for friends old and new for the lasting friendships that r mine and well my friends - love u guys

click this now :)

yep thankful for a roof over my head - there is saying - it goes something like this - To the well sheltered, night rain is a lullably (by artwells)

yep thankful for food on the table - salami and cheese - more salami - more cheese - more salami and more cheese :) no reallly i eat other stuff but well my favorite stuff on the planet - thank you pigs and cows who gave up ur life so i (and millions of others) could well...eat you - thanks for the nourishment

oh yeah and my cup is always full...with water, wine and yes my cup is always full - so if you need a drink or something stop by...or of course salami or cheese too

yep thankful for good health - again maybe i should thank the pigs and cows since they r helping me to get suficient protein ...oh yeah and thanks to the sheep and chickens too...and while i'm at it...thanks trees and plants for providing a wealth of fruit and vegetables. thankful for all of my senses including the sixth and seventh senses - sixth my incredible intuition that i don't always listen to because then what fun would that be...and the seventh sense - common sense (sometimes that doesn't work too well either but that don't have a prescription like eyeglasses or anything for that) and most of the time i'm good like that

yep thankful for a well functioning brain (at least most of the time) getting the brain fine tuned with new challenges

yep thankful for stable finances - in the past this has not always been the case but i'm also thankful that i have the skills to earn a comfortable living - so i guess i'm thankful for everything

so i hope that a happy joyous new year is had by all. Happy New Year - La Mulți Ani!

26 decembrie 2005

more mos

Disclaimer :) this hasn't been corrected so hopefully it makes some sense.

deci aici este mult de Mos...

Cred Mos este un om fericit. El prepară pentru sarbatorile de iarnă fiecare am afara vrea pe răsplăta. el este foarte generos si el este satisfacut cu mai puțin apoi un oamenii normal.
face mos exista?
Sigur! Mos există în multa înime si minte. Dacă tu credi si ai speranța, el este!
ce face craciun 'mean' de Mos-
Mos munceste din greu! El nu este doar ocupație pentru Mos. El este iubit lui. Îi place mult să iasa în jural lumele si vizită copiii.
ce coloare piele a facet/avut?
Mos a fost descris cu piele alba dar el este ca un 'stardust.'
de ce mos o studenti bun în scoala?
Mos a avut niste dificul în scoala. Pentru ca, de ce el a fost un băiat, el a fost foarte inteligent si curios. El a fost problematică cu concentrare deoarece imaginație lui a fugit 'wild' cu vise de jocuri si fața de copiii zâmb(i) :) Dar el a hotârât să studieaza si a trecut exameni lui. În termina el a fost studenți foarte bine!

25 decembrie 2005

mos craciun

well my instructor nausica has given me a lot of temă de casă not that i mind in fact it's really funny - so i have 25 questions to write about santa.... so here is the first few....possibly killing the language again :) english version after the ro version below...dar scriu in romaneste prima....apoi in engleza.
how does santa stay awake so long?

Este mohorât să spun, Mos a avut problematică oribila! Un ani, el nu a putut nimic. El a fost trimis la policlinică "Betty Ford." Acolo el a fost să relaxa, pentru ca a fost deprins cu drogurile si mulți pilule. Acum el bea cafea să stă treaz si dupa sarbatorile de iarnă a mers pe vacanță.
how does santa get into houses without chimneys?

Mos poate intra case, deoarece a lucrat pentru DARPA si a avut informații strict secret. El a învațat să încalca structură lui molecular. Deci el poate calătorie prin pereți.
does santa earn any money?

Mos este foarte bogat, nici doar în spirit dar cu bani. în primavară si vară, spiridus lui tipară bani pentru fiecare guvernămănt în lume. La fel o banca, atelierului beneficia.

what does santa look like in your country?

În statele unite Mos este graz. El are o barbă alba si parului lung. Rosu este coloare lui favorit. El este o omul simplu ce moda este topicul.


how does santa stay awake so long?

It's sad to say that Santa had a horrible problem! One year he couldn't do anything. He was sent to the clinic "Betty Ford." There he had to relax, for he was addicted to drugs and many pills. Now he drinks coffee to stay awake and after the winter holidays he goes on vacation.
how does santa get into houses without chimneys?

Santa can enter houses, because he worked for DARPA and had top secret information. He learned how to change his molecular structure. So he can travel through walls.
does santa earn any money?

Santa is very rich, not only in spirit but with money. In spring and summer his elves print money for every gov't in the world. Like a bank his workshop benefits.
what does santa look like in your country?

In the US he is fat. he has a beard and long hair. red is his favorite color. he is a simple man when it comes to fashion.

another video

this is my first video started it in the summer in ro and then left it alone for a few months - when i got back here the first week...i completed it. this little piece is dedicated to my peeps - thing is i'm well sentimental :)

excursie video - click and watch va rog :)

22 decembrie 2005


asa ca prima incerc sa scrie in limba romana azi. am nevoie pentru mai cald. deci poate nu transcrie mai bine. dar ce pot sa fac! centrala este mort! sunt frig. este rece afara acum. sunt bine, am un adormit sacosa si patura.....deci niste minute deoarece am scrie acum centrala este pe....i'm killing the language so i give up for now :)

19 decembrie 2005


where to begin?

so i arrived on the 23rd of november. today is the 26th day - first week pretty much tired but out and figuring out stuff. second week no longer tired from the time change but started intensive romanian classes. da! that's yes in ro and i might add that yes they are intense :) third week a lot of classes and a lot of homework.....many outings with friends for coffee, wine and too many cigarettes. no complaints though....into my fourth week here went to the mountains. 3 hour train ride to a small 'sat' (village) then travelled on foot for about 20 minutes in sleet to the place that i was staying with 62 college freshmen and their professor of geography/geology - they have a combined name for this but can't remember right about now.

friday night - train, arrival, dinner, students hanging out in the dining area...playing guitar and singing - smoking and drinking - awesome.

saturday - 6 hour hike crossed the river about 8 times each way in the hike since it's formation is like a snake...lots of snow and nice views - new boots ankles sore. hot meals. speaking with the students. bottle of wine and well more cigarettes.

sunday - 4 hour hike through cave....sore quads...hike to another cave for 1 hour and then train back to cluj - cool guy 'batran' he said it not me - that means old man who learned that i was learning the language and he spoke to me for sometime in ro....he was really cool - foarte bine!

more pictures to be posted tomorrow on that part of the adventure. today's posted pix are simply some views of where we were.