where to begin?

so i arrived on the 23rd of november. today is the 26th day - first week pretty much tired but out and figuring out stuff. second week no longer tired from the time change but started intensive romanian classes. da! that's yes in ro and i might add that yes they are intense :) third week a lot of classes and a lot of homework.....many outings with friends for coffee, wine and too many cigarettes. no complaints though....into my fourth week here went to the mountains. 3 hour train ride to a small 'sat' (village) then travelled on foot for about 20 minutes in sleet to the place that i was staying with 62 college freshmen and their professor of geography/geology - they have a combined name for this but can't remember right about now.
friday night - train, arrival, dinner, students hanging out in the dining area...playing guitar and singing - smoking and drinking - awesome.
saturday - 6 hour hike crossed the river about 8 times each way in the hike since it's formation is like a snake...lots of snow and nice views - new boots ankles sore. hot meals. speaking with the students. bottle of wine and well more cigarettes.
sunday - 4 hour hike through cave....sore quads...hike to another cave for 1 hour and then train back to cluj - cool guy 'batran' he said it not me - that means old man who learned that i was learning the language and he spoke to me for sometime in ro....he was really cool - foarte bine!
more pictures to be posted tomorrow on that part of the adventure. today's posted pix are simply some views of where we were.
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