moving countdown - 3 weeks - pix r me and buds

well summer is past and we're deep into fall now - changed the clocks last night. cathy - hiedi's mom is visiting from scotland and she called - we're going to lunch on wed but she was arguing with her grandson danny tonight - seems kind of funny - the computer and the cell phone changed time automatically but she didn't know that we change the clocks. i verified that we change the clocks here and i could hear danny in the background savoring his victory. the little rambuncous cutie! i suppose this will be some of the stuff that i will encounter when i'm moved to cluj :)
pretty funny too since these types of faux pas' aren't limited. i was roaring with laughter the other day when i received an email from cristian - i had written to him in romanian since i'm practicing my language skills - wrote to him that i was 'fericita, excitat si epuziat!' that would be happy excited and exhausted - he replied.....
'by the way excitat means horny in romanian'
so these are the things you need to think about as you make a new life in another country - i wrote to my new american friend christine in cluj - like me she is learning to speak the language - this is the type of stuff we'll need to help each other with - expats impreuna (together)
i have a thousand thoughts spinning through my head now - overdrive for the next 3 weeks. it's all good though.
sorting and packing
language lessons in limba romana
saying goodbye to friends
more sorting and packing
working at the restaurant on the weekends
studying limba romana
selling my belongings on ebay to the local antique shop to the next tenant to the auctioneer to the book dealer to the china dealer
ebay has been a fun experience
learned more then i ever wanted to know about my 'dawn doll' collection
who would've thunk it that these little fashionistas were so popular with collectors - received notification from one bidder that i might have a hot item - turns out that she isn't so hot - she might look hot but she isn't as rare as thought - DAMN she could've been worth hundreds :(
my neighbors tv noise is traveling through the wall - my apartment is a mess - the cleaning lady can't even come to clean - can't find the floor - i'm overwhelmed - i'm happy
hung out with my best buds today at brunch - it was a lot of fun - a lot a lot a lot
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