craciun fericit tututor! - merry chrismas everyone!
tradiție în românia e foarte bogată! mi-am adus aminte de timp când eram fetița. Beth, Kim, Vicki, Kate si eu plecam împrejur orasul si colindeaza. ieri copiii vecine veniră acasă mea si cântară. mai tarziu scâri în blocul meu erau plin cu voci plăcuți. stauam linistit acasa pentru mai mult de ziua, doar sa mergeam afară un pic timp să visitez pisicuța la apartamentul lui Ben. Bineinteles mâncam prea mult prajitori....Eu trebuie opri asta :) cred ca pot intoi ianuarie!
Tradition in romania is very rich! i remember when i was a young girl. Beth, Kim, Vicki, Kate and I went around the town and sang christmas carols. yesterday neighborhood children came to my home and sang. later the stairwell in my building was filled with sweet voices. I stayed home most of the day, only to go out for a short time to visit 'pisicuța' (kitty) at Ben's apartment. Of course, I ate too many sweets....I must stop this :) think that I can 1st of january!
Tradition in romania is very rich! i remember when i was a young girl. Beth, Kim, Vicki, Kate and I went around the town and sang christmas carols. yesterday neighborhood children came to my home and sang. later the stairwell in my building was filled with sweet voices. I stayed home most of the day, only to go out for a short time to visit 'pisicuța' (kitty) at Ben's apartment. Of course, I ate too many sweets....I must stop this :) think that I can 1st of january!
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