27 aprilie 2006


normal nu vreau sa 'post' niste ganduri despre guvernul....dar astazi nu pot sa ajut-mi

Headline from Wash.Post- Pain at Pumps May Be Felt at Polls: As Gas Prices Soar, Voters Want to Send a Message to Lawmakers
My thoughts - well guess they can take this time to take the money and run since they know they're not gettin' back in office next time around.

În plus m-am trezit în dimineața asta cu mult gandurile despre ....yeah immigration....love how the politicians use this to difuse the truth - cause the truth is tons and tons and tons of 'good' jobs were exported in the last 15 years or so....cheap labor in other countries - sweat shops - china - need i say more....hmmmmm just a little thought.

oh yeah and just one more thing - as the good ol' SUA distances themselves further politically, increasing hatred towards them and no longer self-sufficient....hmmmmmm